Mailjet and Magento 2

Magento 2 is one of the most popular open source eCommerce platforms. Use Mailjet's email extension in Magento 2 to create, send, and track marketing and transactional emails from within your Magento commerce admin panel.

Mailjet and Magento 2

Magento 2 is one of the most popular open source eCommerce platforms. Use Mailjet's email extension in Magento 2 to create, send, and track marketing and transactional emails from within your Magento commerce admin panel.

Price: Free
Developer: Mailjet
A Magento account A Mailjet account



Mailjet and Magento 2

Magento 2 is one of the most popular open source eCommerce platforms. Use Mailjet's email extension in Magento 2 to create, send, and track marketing and transactional emails from within your Magento commerce admin panel.

  • Overview
  • Features
  • Installation
  • Guide
  • The Mailjet plugin for Magento 2 brings everything you love about Mailjet into the Magento dashboard, unlocking powerful email marketing tools for your eCommerce business. The natively embedded plugin allows you to get the benefit of Mailjet’s leading email builder, deliverability and analytics inside your Magento admin panel. This will help you optimize your outbound marketing and transactional email campaigns.

    With the Mailjet plugin for Magento 2, you can:

    • Enjoy top-notch deliverability: Improve your deliverability by using Mailjet’s SMTP relay to send your emails – no more worrying about your emails ending up in the Spam box.
    • Drag-and-drop newsletter editor: Create and send a beautiful marketing campaign in only a few minutes – choose from over 30 templates or create your own.
    • Identify and target prospects: Easily target your high potential customers with personalized email.
    • All The Power of Mailjet: Use Mailjet to send, track and optimize your email strategy.
    • Contact list syncing keeps your data clean and actionable. Sync contacts from Magento to Mailjet, including automatically syncing unsubscribes
    • Capture newsletter subscriptions from the checkout page.
    • Use Mailjet’s SMTP relay for all Magento emails for improved deliverability and reliability. Ensure order confirmation, shipping info, wishlist reminders and sale notifications make it to the inbox. 
    • Leverage customer data from Magento and Mailjet’s Segmentation tools to target specific customer groups more effectively. Build campaigns targeting new customers, potential customers, first time customers, repeat customers, lapsed customers
    • Use Mailjet’s drag-and-drop editor, Passport, to design any email sent from Magento, including order confirmation, shipping updates and abandon cart campaigns.
    • Feature products from my Magento store in my email templates/campaigns.
    1. Back up your database (optional) – if you want to be sure that no undesired changes would occur.
    2. Set up your cron jobs (info here).
    3. Login into SSH and navigate to your store root directory
    4. Enable maintenance mode.
      1. php bin/magento maintenance:​enable 
    5. You can upload your module’s files via FTP or with composer: 
      1. 5.1. FTP
        1. 5.1.1.  Download your module archive from your Magento store purchases
        2. 5.1.2.  Connect to your hosting server with Filezilla or another FTP client
        3. 5.1.3.  Navigate to your_store_root_directory/app/code
        4. 5.1.4.  Inside create a folder “Mailjet” and enter it
        5. 5.1.5.  Inside of the “Mailjet” folder create a new folder “Mailjet” and enter it
        6. 5.1.6.  Extract the files on your local PC
        7. 5.1.7.  Upload the module’s files to the opened directory on the FTP client
        8. 5.1.8.  Go to your CLI and download the Mailjet library
          1. composer require mailjet/mailjet-apiv3-php 
      2. 5.2. Composer
        1. 5.2.1.  Update the composer.json file in your Magento project with the name of the extension
        2. 5.2.2.  Add the extension’s name and version to your composer.json file and download the needed packages: 
          1. composer require mailjet/mailjet-magento2 –no-update 
          2. composer update mailjet/mailjet-magento2
        3. 5.2.3. Enter your authentication keys. Your public key is your username; your private key is your password:
          1. To get them, go to ​Magento Marketplace > Your name > My Profile
          2. Click ​Access Keys​ in the Marketplace tab
          3. If you don’t have Access Keys click ​Create a New Access Key​. Enter a specific name for the keys (e.g., the name of the developer receiving the keys) and click OK
          4. New public and private keys are now associated with your account that you can click to copy. Save this information or keep the page open when working with your Magento project. Use the Public key as your username and the Private key as your password
        4. 5.2.4. Wait for Composer to finish updating your project dependencies and make sure there aren’t any errors
    6. Verify the extension
      1. 6.1. To verify that the extension installed properly, run the following command:
        1. php bin/magento module:status Mailjet_Mailjet
      2. 6.2. By default, the extension is probably disabled:
        1. Module is disabled
    7. Enable the extension
      1. 7.1. Enable the extension and clear static view files:
        1. php bin/magento module:​enable​ Mailjet_Mailjet –clear-static-content
      2. 7.2. Register the extension:
        1. php bin/magento setup:upgrade
      3. 7.3. Recompile your Magento project: In Production mode, you may receive a message to “Please rerun Magento compile command”. Magento does not prompt you to run the compile command in Developer mode:
        1. php bin/magento setup:di:compile
      4. 7.4. Verify that the extension is enabled:
        1. php bin/magento module:status Mailjet_Mailjet
        2. You should see output verifying that the extension is no longer disabled:
        3. Module is enabled
      5. 7.5. Clean the cache:
        1. php bin/magento cache:clean
    8. Disable maintenance mode:
      1. php bin/magento maintenance:​disable
    9. Configure the extension in Admin as needed – go to ​Admin panel > Stores> Configuration > Mailjet

    Note:​ You need to have a Mailjet account to set your API settings. 

  • Please click here to access our Magento 2 + Mailjet user guide.

Price: Free
Developer: Mailjet
A Magento account A Mailjet account
